5. Toasted Peanut Butter, Banana & Honey Sandwich
When you yell as often as a Samuel L. Jackson character does, you’ve got to have the vocal chords of a violent opera singer. In this recipe from Go Dairy Free, you have three key ingredients. Peanut butter is for the protein and energy, honey in place of jelly for the sweetness and to lubricate your throat, and banana to prevent performance anxiety (it contains both magnesium, a beta-blocker and tryptophan which releases serotonin).
4. Blackberry Brownie Bites
But what good is all that yelling about reproducing with mothers if there’s no one to hear it? From Healthy Hearing comes this recipe that is loaded with the vitamins and inorganic minerals that help keep your ears in good shape!
3. Fruit tea with Licorice Root
For protecting your vocal chords, try this combination of fruit tea (caffeine-free) and licorice root (forms a protective layer over your throat). It prevents damage to your vocal chord’s mucus membrane when you are repeatedly daring someone to say that again. Well, until you kill them. This recipe from Nourishing Days uses orange peel, but you can substitute any fruit that you prefer. And if you don’t like licorice, try ginger instead which has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
2. Salmon Steak with Spinach
For those of us who don’t get screamed at by Samuel L. Jackson but are still losing their hearing, a diet rich in salmon (Omega 3s) and spinach (folate) can help. This recipe comes to you from Food Life Love by Rachel.
1. Gargling with Apple Cider Vinegar
Phlegm that coats the back of your throat and chest to excess can be a huge problem for the vocally inclined. This recipe from Birch Hill Natural Medicine is meant to be used if you start to get sick as well as when it’s already too late!