7. Sex Pheromone Truffles
Donaghy: “When you’re handsome nobody ever tells you the truth. For years I thought I spoke excellent French.” (30 Rock Season 3 Episode 15) Fresh black or white truffles (less than 7 days old) emit a powerful odor that can include the molecule androstenol. This is a sex pheromone in pigs and rumored to be an aphrodisiac for people as well. Click here to read more!
6. Italian Hugs in Cookie Form
Employee: “Do you want a hug?”
Donaghy: “What is this? The Italian parliament? No, thank you.” (30 Rock Season 3 Episode 10)
This Italian butter cookie recipe is for the Abbracci cookies from Italy. The name translates into English as “hugs.” They are half white with vanilla and half dark with chocolate making them the perfect European holiday cookie!
5. Tuxedo Cocktail Martini
Employee: “Why are you wearing a tux?”
Donaghy “It’s after six. What am I, a farmer?” (30 Rock Season 1 Episode 7)
A legend among powerful businessmen can’t just have any old martini. This classic recipe from the Food Republic puts the rest of the suit and tie elephant graveyard to shame!
4. Coffee & Chocolate Crackers
Donaghy: “I never sleep on planes. I don’t wanna get Incepted.” (30 Rock Season 5 Episode 14)
Both coffee and chocolate are known stimulates that can help to keep you awake. Now available thanks to this recipe in an easily portable form to take on airplanes everywhere!
3. Amnesia Cocktail
Donaghy: ““Now let me hear you say the seven most important words in the American judicial system.”
Lawyer Frank Rossitano: “My client has no memory of that.”
Donaghy: ““I would also have accepted ‘You can’t prove that’s the Governor’s semen.’.” (30 Rock Season 3 Episode 13)
Click here for a recipe that does to your brain what the movie Skyline did to lowering the bar for a bad movie.
2. Dr. Oz’s Sesame Cashew Dressing for Healthy Hair
Donaghy: “God, are you punishing me because my hair is better than yours?” (30 Rock Season 5 Episode 23) Straight from Oprah Winfrey’s medical expert comes this salad dressing recipe for thicker, healthier hair!
1. Hamburger Recipe that Slows Down Aging
Donaghy: “Don’t worry about getting to your point, I’m going to live forever.” (30 Rock Season 5 Episode 8)
It might not be what you were hoping for, but immortality is at last within your mouth’s grasp!