5. Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri
From the website Love Food comes this recipe for an alcohol free drink!. If you are going to be the only woman in a stadium full of male Rush fans, best to keep your wits about you!
4. Pomegranate Martini
Let’s be honest, if you’re going to be surrounded by an army of Rush men, then you might as well play the part of their queen! Sip on Foodie Crush’s fancy recipe version of Oprah Winfrey’s classic drink in a plastic martini glass while nonchalantly wondering why you’re not at a Beyonce concert instead.
3. Chocolate Covered Bananas
So what to eat at a Rush concert to drive men insane without even noticing that they exist? Oysters and popsicles are too messy and require a refrigerator. Instead go with this recipe from One Lovely Life.
2. Raw Coconut
But what about when Rush fans you don’t want to talk to keep trying to chat you up? Well, nothing says go away more clearly then a woman pounding away on a coconut with a blunt piece of metal. Scream out the names of random ex-boyfriends for an added touch of crazy. Check out our video here for a great example!
1. Other Women
The recipe for fun for female Rush fans is to bring other women along. Much like a wild creature on the edge of extinction, perhaps lure them in bit by bit with Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift concerts at first. If you want to enrage nearby fans, bring a printed copy of the lyrics with you and start debating how they could’ve been improved.